Debt settlement clients will be contacted by original creditors and collection agencies several times to recover the debt. This is a significant disadvantage of debt settlement programs.
When clients stop paying their creditors directly, they are
said to be in debt settlement. Furthermore, most debt settlement agencies
advise their clients not to speak directly with their creditors. Debt Collection Dubai agencies and creditors, on the other hand, continue to call and
"harass" debt settlement clients, often telling them how
"bad" a debt settlement program is to collect debts, and creditors
rarely stop calling until they are paid, receive payments, or are forced to stop
calling by some legal mechanism.
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDPCA) is federal
legislation that protects clients from being called too late or too early or at
certain times of the day regarding debt collection in UAE, being
threatened with danger, being phoned by relatives or neighbors, being verbally
abused, and so on. Clients can also ask collection agencies not to contact them
at work if their employer forbids it. Clients can also use a "cease"
letter to urge that they do not receive any calls at all.
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) includes some
1. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) only
applies to collection agencies, although some debts are kept by original
creditors for long periods.
2. To avoid complying with the FDCPA, collection companies
employ a variety of methods. To name a few, ignoring it completely! Collectors
have been known to ignore cease and desist letters and not return phone calls.
Collectors may continue to violate FDCPA guidelines until the client has sufficient
means and resources to employ an attorney, keep a diary of all calls,
comprehend FDCPA guidelines, and monitor all violations.
The challenges stated here are solved by a new service
supplied by the group, which uses modern technology. Calls are immediately
directed to a law firm that monitors FDCPA violations and forwards them to the
appropriate debt settlement company using the technology.
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